Reset The Modern House Modern House Design Ideas

Modern design of the house is Endnu traditionelt Hjem design, der har taget er på mange tilføjelser modern bjælkehytte. Traditionelle er blevet opdateret bjælkehytter to see Bruges linjer kidney, Flad, paneler træværk, Vinduer og store og bringe the naturligt sollys tilbyder spektakulær udsigt omkringliggende Landskab well. Tager den på den har modern Traditionelle bjælkehytte afstået between oprindelige style, herunder shop, the design svungne Tage og har i stedet valgt to tarn udelukke Helt, der fremmer I Flad, renere kigge Efter det ydre.

Modern House Design: Another design for the traditional house, which has many modern additions to the cottage. Traditional wooden houses have been updated using clean lines, flat with wood paneling and large windows providing natural light and offer breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. Modern is taken into account in a traditional log cabin abstained from the original style as the great sweep of the roof structure, and are instead left the tower completely, in favor of looking smoother, clean the outside.

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