The Glass House

 The concept of The Glass House was designed by a company in Ontario, Canada GH3. Oddly enough, this house is located near the lake. This greenhouse is a continuation of thinking in this architectural goal, a central concept of the house is rethought through a contemporary lens of sustainability of the program site, and comfort. Interesting features of simple spaces, internal and external integrity and clarity of the material change to improve the environment, and programmatic performance of the building creates a resonance with the architecture of the iconic design and innovative in relation to Äìdriven. The compact form of a glass of water sits, the edge of the plinth of granite AOS with a matte black exterior dematerializes stop the construction of a lantern-like, on the site.

Granite, the advantage of thermal mass AOS abundant solar inputs, which eliminates the need for active systems, on winter days, while the lake rather allows the use of a switch in deep water to heat and cool the 'Äìround built with radiant panels and shutters recessed perimeter floor and ceiling. The sliding glass windows in the skin, a few meters wide Äîthree the ground floor and one and a half meters wide on the mezzanine level, façade Äîallow be porous enough natural ventilation, while the individual automated blind white roof, and hedges of deciduous wary of excessive solar heat. The system continues blind also serves as another aesthetic inner skin of transforming a joint, an intimate space and exterior of a smooth mirror reflecting the surrounding area.

The concept of The Glass House was designed by a company GH3 Ontario, Canada. Curiously, this house near a lake. This greenhouse is a continuation of thinking about this architectural ambition, the central concept of the house is reformulated through a lens of contemporary sustainability, application, location and amenity. The compelling qualities of the unit simple, open space, indoor and outdoor and clarity of material processed to improve environmental performance and program of the building, creating an architecture for both resonance and iconic design innovative Äìdriven context. The compact form glass sits at the water edge of AOS granite base, with matte black exterior dematerializes to suspend the construction, the lantern-like, on the site.

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